Guide to Effective Naming Conventions in Smart Contract Programming

so i have found it hard to know exactly how to go about writting my solidity codes.Scared to not make mistakes, or use the wrong names.Im still Learning to use the right naming convention but id like to share my knowledge on it. Remember to DYOR.


Contract Names
It is only proper that the contract names be written in PascalCase{basically writting your contract names with all the words starting in Caps} lets say, MyToken, FinanceManager, or RewardPool.always make sure that the name of the contract corresponds to its filename. to make your code less confusing for you and others.

Struct Names
Structs should use the same naming convention as the Contracts. Examples include UserProfile, TransactionDetails, or OrderItem.{{for personal reasons you can use a naming convention particular to you}

Event Names
Events should use the CapWords style too. Good examples of event names are FundDeposited, ItemPurchased, ApprovalGranted, BeforeTransferInitiated, and AfterTransferCompleted.

Function Names
Functions should use camelCase. Examples of correctly named functions include fetchBalance, initiateTransfer, checkOwnership, addParticipant, or updateOwner.

Local and State Variable Names
Local and state variable names should also use camelCase. Examples include totalAmount, availableFunds, userBalances, contractOwner, isActiveSale, and pricePerToken.

If you are a Developer you should know that Constants should be represented in all capital letters,definitely!!!! basically to improve readability, and when a person sees an variable in capital letter you give it more cognizance.

Modifier Names
Modifiers can be in camelCase. Examples include onlyAdmin, onlyAfterDeadline, and onlyDuringActivePeriod.

Enums should follow the CapWords style. Examples include UserRole, OrderStatus, PaymentMethod, and AccessLevel.

Function Argument Names
i Personally love to use underscore for function arguments. eg. _token, _tokenaddress.

Function Declaration
The order of modifiers in a function declaration should follow this sequence: Visibility, Mutability, Virtual, Override, and Custom modifiers.

// Modifiers
modifier Owner() {
    require(msg.sender == owner, "Only admin can call this function");

// Functions
function getBalance(uint256 accountId) public view returns (uint256) {
    return accountBalances[accountId];

function terminate() public onlyAdmin {

Organization of Contract Components
The components of a contract should be arranged in the following order:

  1. Pragma statements

  2. Import statements

  3. Interfaces

  4. Libraries

  5. Contracts

Within each contract, library, or interface, adhere to this arrangement:

  1. Type declarations

  2. State variables

  3. Events

  4. Errors

  5. Modifiers

  6. Functions

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.25;

// Pragma statements
import "sample.sol";

// Interfaces
interface SampleInterface {}

// Libraries
library SampleLibrary {}

// Contracts
contract SampleContract {
    // Type declarations
    struct UserData {}

    // State variables
    uint256 public totalUsers;

    // Events
    event UserRegistered();

    // Modifiers
    modifier onlyOwner {}

    // Functions
    function registerUser() public {}

ethers.js functions that you should be familiar with when working with Ethereum and smart contracts:

Essential ethers.js Functions

  1. Provider Functions

    • new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(url): Connects to an Ethereum node via JSON-RPC.

    • getBlock(blockNumberOrHash): Retrieves a block by its number or hash.

    • getGasPrice(): Returns the current gas price.

  2. Signer Functions

    • getSigners(): Returns a list of available signers (accounts).

    • sendTransaction(transaction): Sends a transaction from the signer.

  3. Contract Functions

    • getContractAt(abi, address, signerOrProvider): Creates a contract instance at a specific address.

    • getContractFactory(contractName): Creates a contract factory for deploying new contracts.

    • deploy(args): Deploys a new contract instance.

  4. Utility Functions

    • utils.parseUnits(value, decimals): Converts a value to a BigNumber with specified decimals.

    • utils.formatUnits(value, decimals): Converts a BigNumber to a human-readable string.

  5. Wallet Functions

    • Wallet.createRandom(): Creates a new random wallet.

    • Wallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic): Creates a wallet from a mnemonic phrase.

  6. Event Functions

    • on(eventName, listener): Subscribes to an event emitted by a contract.


These functions are fundamental for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain, managing accounts, and working with smart contracts. Mastering these will provide a solid foundation for developing decentralized applications (dApps) using ethers.js.

so this is Basically all for now.